内訳 英語 ビジネス

- 財務省, また、産業投資特別会計補正予算については、社会資本整備勘定において、今申し述べたように一般会計から二兆五千億円を歳入として受け入れ、歳出として改革推進公共投資特別措置二兆五千億円を計上することとしております。その内訳は、①都市機能高度化等対策費六千二百七十八億円、②環境配慮型地域社会実現対策費六千五百五十八億円、③科学技術等対策費八千七百二十億円、④少子高齢化対策費三千四百四十四億円であります。例文帳に追加, The Supplementary Budget for the Special Account for Industrial Investment shall receive 2.5 trillion yen in its Social Capital Adjustment Account from the General Account as revenues, and expenditure of 2.5 trillion yen will be appropriated under Special Measures for Public Investments for Promoting Reform as follows: (1) 627.8 billion yen for the further upgrading and internationalization of urban functions, (2) 655.8 billion yen for the creation of environment-friendly and vigorous local communities, (3) 872.0 billion yen for the expansion of growth frontiers by promoting science and technology, education, and IT, and (4) 344.4 billion yen for responses to the declining birthrate and the aging society. All Rights Reserved.

- Weblio英語基本例文集, The expenditure breaks down [is broken down] into more than 30 items. Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. 内訳を教えてください。を英語で言ってみよう! | アメリカ不動産投資、海外ビジネス英語 . The breakdown is that 38% is in China and 28%is in ASEAN4 (see Figure 2-2-3-2). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, TABULATION BREAKDOWN DETERMINATION SYSTEM AND PROGRAM - 特許庁, In detail, 3 of them were metaphorical poems, 24 were love poems, and there was 1 love poem each for spring and autumn. Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved.

- 特許庁, 2007 年度には、我が国のアジア現地法人数は約1 万社に上っているが、その内訳は中国が38%、ASEAN4 が28%と多数を占めている(第2-2-3-2図)。例文帳に追加, In 2007, the number of Japanese local subsidiaries in Asia totalled about 10,000 companies. All Rights Reserved. - 経済産業省, However, the breakdown according to the type of business is aggregated within companies with over 5 million Yuan of annual sales. Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 内訳の意味・解説 > 内訳に関連した英語例文. - 経済産業省, (参考) 2007年版報告書で指摘を行っている措置は112件であり、その内訳は、米国35件、中国28件、ASEAN19件、EU12件、その他18件。例文帳に追加, Note: The 2007 report points out 112 issues, of which 35 concern the US, 28 China, 19 ASEAN, 12 the EU and 18 other partners. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Regarding the percentage of occupations, the most common occupation was animal food distributive trade, whose percentage was 27.8 percent.

4 ビジネスにおける内訳の意味とは? 4.1 税務会計における「内訳」の意味; 5 内訳の例文・使い方; 6 内訳の英語表現. Of the amount, expenditures related to the Act on Compensation for Nuclear Damage, etc.

Copyright © Japan Patent office. breakdown (内訳) 「内訳」は英語でbreakdownと訳せます。Breakdownはものの内容を詳しくリストするということです。ビジネス設定でもbreakdownを使うのが多いです。

- 経済産業省, その内訳は、中国が3兆5,500億ドル、インドが3兆1,400億ドル、インドネシアが1兆2,800億ドル、タイが1兆2,400億ドル、マレーシアが8,300億ドル、ベトナムが4,000億ドル等となっている。例文帳に追加, The breakdown is $3,550.0 billion for China, $3,140.0 billion for India, $1,280.0 for Indonesia, $1,240.0 billion for Thailand, $830.0 billion for Malaysia and $400.0 billion for Vietnam. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, The Cayman Islands dominated among foreign bases, while Bermuda and the British Virgin Islands were home to a few. - Weblio Email例文集, The breakdown of these temples was as follows. Ameba新規登録(無料) ログイン. 小窓モード: プレミアム: ログイン: 設定. - 研究社 新和英中辞典, Each division was further classified as below. With regard to Securities or warehouse receipts, such type or description, quantity or face value, unit price, amount of deposit, and refundable amount shall be recorded by each detailed amount; with regard to cash, the amount of deposit and refundable amount shall be recorded by each detailed amount; and with regard to the current outstanding deposit, the amount of Securities or warehouse receipts, and cash, such total amount shall be recorded by each detailed amount. - Tanaka Corpus, The breakdown of that is as follows. All Rights Reserved. - 特許庁, 表示装置130は営業日におけるオペレータの作業をオペレータ毎に作業の種類別に内訳する際に、作業時間に応じて内訳して表示する。例文帳に追加, The display device 130 displays the operators's work item by item, according to working hours, when it presents the operators's works on business days by operator, item by item according to the types of works. 「カテゴリ」「情報源」を複数指定しての検索が可能になりました。(プレミアム会員限定), Give me the details of it. - 財務省, これらの東日本大震災関係の歳出を賄うため、三兆七千億円余の歳出の減額を行うこととしており、その内訳は、子ども手当の減額二千八十三億円、高速道路の原則無料化社会実験の一時凍結に伴う道路交通円滑化推進費の減額千億円、基礎年金国庫負担の年金特別会計への繰入の減額等二兆四千八百九十七億円、周辺地域整備資金の活用に伴うエネルギー対策特別会計への繰入の減額五百億円、政府開発援助等の減額五百一億円、議員歳費の減額二十二億円、経済危機対応・地域活性化予備費の減額八千百億円となっております。例文帳に追加, To finance these costs related to the Great East Japan Earthquake, we plan to reduce other expenditures by just over 3,700 billion yen, consisting of a 208.3 billion yen reduction in child allowance, a reduction of 100.0 billion yen in the cost of promoting smoother road traffic accompanying a temporary freeze on the pilot program to eliminate expressway tolls, a reduction of 2,489.7 billion yen in government financial contributions to basic pensions transferred to the Pension Special Account and others, a reduction of 50.0 billion yen in amounts carried forward to the Measures for Energy Special Account accompanying the use of capital for development of adjacent areas, a reduction of 50.1 billion yen in Official Development Assistance, etc., a reduction of 2.2 billion yen in Dietmembers’ salaries, and a reduction of 810.0 billion yen in the Contingency Reserve for Economic Crisis Response and Regional Revitalization. ホーム ピグ アメブロ. - 財務省, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/. - 金融庁, The residency status in the breakdown of illegal stay is at the time of immigration.

- 特許庁, また、第1副制御部400の報知において、主制御部300から送信された停止操作順序と同一の停止操作順序の報知内訳と、異なる停止操作順序の報知内訳は略同一となっている。例文帳に追加, In the notification of the first sub control part 400, a notification breakdown of the stop operation order equal to the stop operation order transmitted from the main control part 300 and a notification breakdown of the stop operation order different therefrom are nearly identical. - 経済産業省, その内訳は、貿易収支黒字は8兆5,270億円となり前年比マイナス32.1%と大きく縮小する一方で、所得収支黒字は8兆4,007億円となり前年比29.1%と大幅に拡大した。例文帳に追加, A breakdown of this figure reveals that while the trade surplus slumped by a substantial 32.1 percent year-on-year to 8.527 trillion yen, the income surplus soared by 29.1 percent year on-year to 8.4007 trillion yen.

- 経済産業省, わが国の企業の業種構成をみると、サービス業の割合が増加しているが、その内訳は主に情報サービス業、専門サービス業等で増加している(第2-1-15図)。例文帳に追加, A breakdown of the industrial makeup of Japanese enterprises shows that the proportion in services is increasing, with most of the growth in areas such as information and specialist services (Fig. account for 275.4 billion yen, expenditures related to support for the people affected by the disaster account for 377.4 billion yen, expenditures for the operation of the Reconstruction Headquarters in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake account for 0.5 billion yen, the contingency reserve for restoration and reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake accounts for 800 billion yen, and local allocation tax grants account for 545.5 billion yen, respectively.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, The 25 works are as follows.

- 特許庁. - 経済産業省, まず、歳出面において、東日本大震災関係経費として四兆百五十三億円を計上し、その内訳は、災害救助等関係経費四千八百二十九億円、災害廃棄物処理事業費三千五百十九億円、災害対応公共事業関係費一兆二千十九億円、施設費災害復旧費等四千百六十億円、災害関連融資関係経費六千四百七億円、地方交付税交付金千二百億円、その他八千十八億円となっております。例文帳に追加, Firstly, in terms of expenditure, the total costs related to the Great East Japan earthquake will be 4,015.3 billion yen, of which costs related to disaster relief, etc., will be 482.9 billion yen, costs of disposing of disaster wastes 351.9 billion yen, costs related to public works in response to the disaster 1,201.9 billion yen, costs of rebuilding facilities, etc. Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 2.0 France.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, 備考: 四半期ベースの需要項目別内訳は発表されていないため伸び率のみ表示した。例文帳に追加, Note:The figure displays only growth rate because the quarterly-based breakdown according to the demand for item has not been reported. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, The details of 856 votes at total were as follows.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, また、日本の大学等で学ぶ留学生数は、2004年には11万7,302人と過去最高を記録しており1、その内訳は中国・韓国をはじめとして、全体の約9割を東アジアからの留学生が占めている(第2-5-2表)。例文帳に追加, In addition, the number of foreign students studying at Japanese universities and other institutions of learning marked an all-time high of 117,302 in 2004, and approximately 90% of this total was foreign students originating from East Asia, predominantly China and Korea (Table 2.5.2).

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